Mechanical hard disks

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Nuestros técnicos especializados pueden recuperar los datos perdidos de discos duros mecánicos (HDD) dañados. Serás informado en todo momento del estado de la recuperación.

Laby te asegura una solución a tu problema.



Discos duros mecánicos

Partes de un disco duro

Un disco duro mecánico es un dispositivo que almacena la información. Se compone de un o varios platos que giran gracias a un motor muy rápido. La lectura o escritura de información se realiza a través de una unidad lectora o cabezal (el equivalente a una aguja de un tocadiscos) con la particularidad que el cabezal de un disco duro mecánico nunca roza la superficie de los platos.

La placa electrónica

Componentes de la placa

Para poder transformar los datos almacenados en los platos en información visible (una fotografía, un PDF…) el disco duro mecánico tiene un software interno llamado S.A (Service Area) que es único para cada disco. Este software trabaja conjuntamente con unos componentes de la placa electrónica específicos para poder mostrar la información por pantalla y a su vez guardar de nuevo la información en la superficie de los platos.

Recuperar datos de un disco duro HDD


Si te encuentras con alguna situación similar a esta:

  • No arranca el ordenador y avisa de un fallo en el disco duro.
  • El disco hace un ruido raro o va muy lento.
  • Tras una bajada de tensión o corte de luz el disco duro deja de funcionar.
  • Se ha caído el ordenador y el disco se ha roto.
  • El ordenador arranca pero no reconoce el disco duro.
  • No es posible acceder a los videos, fotos y/o documentos guardados.
  • Alguna otra situación no mencionada anteriormente.

En Laby podemos ofrecerte una solución para recuperar la información de tu disco duro.

Nuestro servicio de recuperación de datos trabaja sobre:

  • Cualquier marca de disco duro:
    Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba, Hitachi, Samsung, Fujitsu, LaCie, Sandisk, PNY, Intenso, Freecom, Transcend, Adata, G-Drive, G-Raid...
  • Cualquier tipo de disco duro:

Confía en Laby, podemos recuperar la información de tu disco duro.


Both internal and external mechanical disks offer capacity and performance at a relatively low cost. However, they contain fragile components such as reader units (heads) that can be damaged over time, through use, shock or unexpected vibrations.

To avoid further damage to the device:

Turn off the device as soon as possible. It will prevent further damage that may condition the recovery process.

Do not tamper with the device. Forcing screws, or opening it in an uncontrolled, dust-free environment can adversely affect the chances of recovery. Remember that the inner parts are very sensitive and delicate.

The use of recovery software in physical cases may permanently damage the device. Avoid using it in such cases.

Contact a data recovery laboratory. These are the professionals who have the tools and adequate training to be able to evaluate and carry out the data extraction and recovery processes.

Somos especialistas en la recuperación de datos de discos duros dañados con más de 22.600 casos diagnosticados. Queremos asesorarte en base a nuestra gran experiencia.


En sólo 1 HORA

Tramitamos la recogida mediante servicio de mensajería.

En 4 Horas Laborables

Tras recibir el dispositivo en el laboratorio (en 24h), realizamos un diagnóstico y presupuesto sin compromiso en un plazo máximo de 4h laborales.

Entre 4 y 7 días Laborables

Es el tiempo medio, en días laborables, de recuperación del dispositivo dañado*

* There are cases where it may take longer, but we will notify you so that you are always informed.





Analyzes performed


Spare parts



Servicio de recogida
y envío gratuitos (*)

Diagnóstico y presupuesto gratuitos
Seguimiento en tiempo real mediante nuestra intranet
Si no recuperamos tus datos, no cobramos
Teléfono de atención al cliente gratuito

Laboratorio de Electrónica y Sala limpia clase 100

Personal técnico cualificado y formación contínua

Servicio con cobertura a nivel Europeo

* If the device is unrecoverable or the quotation is rejected, courier charges will be charged.

Si necesitas recuperar la información del disco duro mecánico...



El precio para recuperar datos de discos duros siempre irá en función de los daños que haya sufrido el dispositivo, conjuntamente con las horas de trabajo y equipamiento técnico que se requiera para llevar a cabo los procesos de recuperación.

En cualquier caso, es necesario un diagnóstico previo para detectar la tipología de fallo o combinación de varios fallos. A continuación detallamos las averías más comunes y los precios de referencia:

Desde 250€ hasta 450€ / + iva

Para averías lógicas o de placa

  • Problemas de acceso a particiones dañadas, sectores defectuosos o degradación de superficie / Placas electrónicas quemadas / dañadas por corto circuito, voltajes erróneos o componentes quemados
Desde 350€ hasta 690€ / + iva

Para averías de Firmware

  • SW interno del disco corrompido. Módulos dañados.
Desde 450€ hasta 890€ / + iva

Para averías de Motor

  • Sobre temperatura o fallo unidad motora.
Desde 450€ hasta 890€ / + iva

Para averías de cabezales

  • Degradación de superficie o fallo unidad lectora.

The prices in the recovery of data in mechanical hard drives is given mainly by two factors: Damage to the components of the mechanical hard disk and the hours of work involved in the recovery.

At Laby we will NOT charge you a higher amount for data volume. Only because of the difficulty of access. This difficulty is also noticeable in today’s hard disks (SMR technology).

Older hard drives (approximately up to 2015) used the PMR or CMR format. The idea was simple, the reader unit was positioned in a certain area and read or wrote in a sector (a sector could be considered as a small box where information is stored). As an idea, we could say that the width of the reading needle would be equivalent to the width of a track on these discs (A track would be the equivalent of a circle on the disk where within that circle are all the boxes or sectors). Within a plate there are several tracks and these tracks in turn contain many sectors. The speed flow was constant and the module in charge of translating physical to logical information (Translator) was hardly corrupted. The modules or firmware, would be the equivalent of small independent programs, but that work together to be able to operate the mechanical hard disk.

In order to achieve more capacity in the same space, manufacturers have developed SMR technology. The tracks are smaller than the reader unit and therefore fit more data density.

However, there is a problem and that is that the reading unit or head can not be positioned in a certain sector as it could with PMR or CMR technology. It must now read a set of sectors, load it into a buffer (swap memory), modify the necessary values and write the data again (both modified and unmodified data).

It is an inefficient process, which affects the disk performance in terms of writing and also entails major firmware problems due to all the operations that have to be carried out.

This example – although there are many more – gives an idea of why there is a wide “price range” for mechanical hard disk recovery processes.

If we don't recover your data, we don't get paid

Estos precios son orientativos, para poder darte una referencia.

Si quieres saber con exactitud el coste para ti, lo mejor es que contactes con nosotros y te haremos un presupuesto gratuito sin compromiso.

Lo mejor es dejar que NUESTROS CLIENTES opinen sobre nosotros

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Valoración media: 4.7 sobre 5


Mechanical hard disks

HDD disks have as main components the metal plates (disks), where the data is stored, and the heads that are responsible for accessing the information. The most common hard disk.

Vehicle Forensic Analysis

What is vehicle systems forensics? It is a process by which a wide range of data and information is extracted from vehicles, which can be used in collision and serious crime investigations. At Laby, we offer specialized services to support our clients in obtaining and analyzing vehicle data. Our team

SSD Hard Drives

SSDs do not move, hence the name solid state. The information is stored in blocks and no headers are required to access it. It is much more efficient and faster than an HDD hard disk.

External Hard Drives

External hard disks allow us to store outside the computer all the important information of which we want to make a backup copy. But one failure can cause us to lose all this data.

iPhone, iPad or MacBook

Apple devices, both iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, Mac Mini, etc. They are reliable, elegant, powerful and easy-to-use devices.

Laptop hard disks

On the laptop hard disk we store important work or home information. If a failure occurs, it can cause us to lose all this valuable personal data.

NAS, SAN and DAS disks

A SAN, NAS or DAS disk is a compact enclosure consisting of several hard disks that are connected via a network cable to the system, hence the common name network hard disk.

RAID systems

RAID disks are a redundant group of independent disks. They can be HDD disks or SSD disks and together they form a storage system to distribute or replicate data.

Pendrives and USB Flash Drives

Pen drives or USB flash drives consist of one or more memory blocks. They work in many cases like SSD devices (same Flash technology).

Memory cards

Memory cards are used to store information from devices such as cameras, cell phones or tablets. They differ in their storage capacity and read/write speed.

Virus or Ransomware

We recover data encrypted with viruses or ransomware. Ransomware is extortion software: its purpose is to prevent you from using your device until you have paid a ransom. Depending on the type of ransomware, the entire operating system or just some files are encrypted.

Mobile Phones and Tablets

In mobile devices or smartphones or tablets, the recovery processes can be carried out through the analysis of the electronics of the damaged components or, by carrying out the chip off process.

Data deletion

We offer the service of deletion and destruction of secure data with a certificate, either in our laboratory or remotely.

Computer forensics

Computer forensic analysis and expert evidence. We recover and certify critical information with legal value for companies and individuals. We have collegiate computer experts to carry out certifications, expert analyzes and reports with legal value.

Si llegaste hasta aquí, es el momento de ayudarte

Frequently Asked Questions about Mechanical Hard Drives

What is a mechanical hard drive and how does it differ from other types of hard drives?

A mechanical hard disk is a magnetic storage device, composed of disks or platters that are usually made of aluminum or glass and read/write heads, to store and access data. Unlike solid-state drives (SSDs) that have no moving parts, mechanical hard drives are more prone to mechanical failure caused by shock or vibration, sudden impacts of the drive drive onto the surface of the disks, and degradation and loss of magnetic properties of platter surfaces. In addition, in general terms they can be slower in terms of speed of access to data. However, they offer a large storage capacity at a relatively low cost, compared to SSDs.

What is the inner workings of a mechanical hard drive and how does it store data?

A mechanical hard disk consists of one or more magnetic disks or platters that rotate at high speed. Data is stored on disks via read/write drives or headers. These move quickly over the disks, reading and writing the information in the form of 0s and 1s. Precise operation involves precise coordination between the movement of the discs and the heads to access the required information. The differences in speed between mechanical discs is determined in many cases by the rotational speed of the platters, the most common being 4200 RPM (turns per minute) to the fastest of 15000 RPM.

What are the main parts of a mechanical hard drive and what functions do they perform?

The main parts of a mechanical hard disk include the magnetic disks or platters that are usually made of glass or aluminum, the heads or read/write units, the motor that spins the platters and the electronic board, which contains the connection for power and data connectivity. Magnetic disks store data, while read/write heads read and write data to disks. The electronic board or PCB contains various chips such as the MCU (Main Controler Unit) that would be like the main processor in charge of managing all the requests, the SPIN MOTOR that is the motor controller (in charge of starting, speed control and braking when turned off) and the MHA (controller of the reading unit). Additionally, there is in the vast majority of boards a ROM (a read-only chip) that contains unique information for that disk, recorded at the time of manufacture of the disk. For this reason, among others, in modern disks, the boards cannot be exchanged without making certain specific modifications with adequate hardware (tools) and knowledge.

My hard drive has crashed and is now making noise, does this mean it is damaged or broken?

If your hard drive has been dropped and is now making noises such as clicking, buzzing, or repetitive banging, it is likely that it has suffered physical damage. The reading unit or heads, are very sensitive to vibrations or sudden shocks. It is important to keep in mind that a fortuitous blow can cause the reading units to impact on the surface of the discs or platters, marking them or even scratching the surface. After a sudden blow, if any abnormal sound is heard, it is advisable to stop using the hard drive and seek professional help to assess the situation and determine if the information can be recovered.

If my hard drive has suffered a physical blow, is it possible to recover the information stored on it?

In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to recover information stored on a hard drive that has suffered a physical blow. However, successful recovery depends on the severity of the damage and the knowledge and means of the company carrying out this process. It is important to stop using the hard drive and not attempt to repair it on your own, as this can make the situation worse or even leave the device unrecoverable. The best option is to contact a professional data recovery laboratory that has experience in similar situations to evaluate the feasibility of information recovery. It should be noted that it is not always possible to recover the data in cases of severe physical damage.

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Do you have any questions? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Work Hours: Monday to Thursday from 9h to 19h Friday from 9h to 17h